Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cheat Day

So today was my cheat day...or maybe I should call it my free day so it doesn't sound like I'm cheating on Paul lol. Sundays I can eat whatever I want. Man can I tell! I feel sluggish and gross.

I had a bagel with cream cheese, cheese nips and pretzels with cream cheese...can you tell I love cream cheese? For lunch I had 3 samosas. I had an XL triple triple from Tim Hortons. For supper we're having steak and potatoes and Im having some Bailey's in milk.

I had a nap today. I used to get tired all the time and need a nap but since Ive started eating right and exercising I havent needed to, until today. I was so tired I couldn't make it without a nap. I slept for 2 hours. So that really goes to show how the healthy eating benefits me.

Tomorrow I am back on track to healthy eating!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Weigh In

Week #2 weigh in:

3.4 lbs lost!

For a total of:

5.8 lbs lost!!


Go me!!!

When I weighed myself this morning I gasped. I don't know what I was expecting but I was just so happy to see that. I'm proud of myself!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lots of Work

Wow eating healthy is lots of work! I spend a lot of time preparing food. Every night when I get off of work, I come home and empty out me & the boys' lunch bags. I wash all the containers then I make supper. I make me something different then them so that is extra work. Then I make lunches for the boys for the next day. Then I prepare all of my food. I have to plan 6 meals for me to eat that equal 30 grams of fat. It's a lot of work! I like taking the time though and doing something special for myself. Tomorrow I am taking ground turkey meatloaf and a baked potato. I will have an egg sandwich for breakfast, protein shake for morning snack, cottage cheese and apple for noon snack, and a frozen dinner for supper. Maybe some smart pop for night snack.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Real Age

I was really shocked! I took this test and I was truthful on all! I am only a smidgen older than I really am!
(found on Shar's blog)


I love the Mongolian Grill and have been craving it lately! So I decided to go to the store and get the ingredients to make my own dish. This was my supper tonight and it was AWESOME!!! I loved it!

1C shrimp

half bag baby spinach

2 T garlic ail


1C chick peas

soy sauce


served on rice

5 grams of fat

Farewell Coffee

In 2001, after I had Chay, I started drinking coffee to give me the energy to stay awake. Now, in 2010 I have decided to give it up.

I was drinking one or two XL triple triples a day! There is 21 grams of fat PER XL triple triple. If I made coffee at home I would use milk and put 4 tablespoons of suger in each coffee. I would have 4-5 a day.

I have no started drinking flavored teas. What have I been missing? I love all the choices and flavors. I used to drink tea with milk and 4 tablespoons of sugar. In one week, I have gotten myself down to no milk and just 1 tablespoon of sugar.

This is the tea that I bought today. I also bought Irish Breakfast tea to drink in the mornings. This has to make a big difference, just cutting out coffee!

Weigh In

Today is my weigh in day and....

2.4lbs lost!

I was hoping for more but I will take what I can get!

It doesnt seem like much because my weight fluctuates so much anyway, it's normal for me to go up and down between a couple pounds. So next week when I see it go down even more it will be really nice.

Today is going to be hard because I am home all day. At work it is easier because I'm busy and I have to find time to go get food. At home it's the opposite, the food is always readily available and I have to get away from it. Plus the girls at work are eating healthy too so that's a nice support. Here no one else cares what they eat lol

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Still going strong!

I love this and can't wait to weigh in Saturday morning! The ladies at work are doing weight watches so they are watching points and Im watching fat. It's nice to have support. I'm glad we're all doing this together. I know we can all do it! Tomorrow I get paid so I get to go shopping and I'm excited to go shopping and buy lots of good healthy food to eat!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 3

I feel like Ive been doing this forever! It's not hard. I had a weird meatball craving today but it quickly went (when Brianne mentioned meatball poop lol) I used to go crazy as soon as I got home from work. Tonight, I got home from work and made myself an egg sandwich. I didnt put cheese or butter on my sandwich. Just 2 pieces of whole wheat toast and 1 egg & 1 egg white. I can't wait to weigh in Saturday!


Last night I did upper body with soup cans. It doesnt feel like it did anything but I'm going to start using 3 lb weights.

I just rode my bike for 20 mins. I usually do 15 but I pushed myself to 20 today. 8.8km! Go me!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


These are the questions the book tells you to answer before you begin.

  • Have you made a decision to change? Yes
  • What are your reasons for making the decisions to change? I am unhealthy. I want to look good for Paul and not be embarassed to meet people. Right now it is hard to get up.
  • When you look at yourself, do you honestly like what you see? No! I look like a whale.
  • How do you feel deep down inside? miserable - unhappy - no confidence
  • Are you confident, energetic, and strong? not at all
  • Do you often wonder if you're on the right path? yes
  • What are the pros and cons of continuing in the direction you're going? pros - easier cons - feel gross, look gross, unhealthy, die young.
  • Would you like to create a brighter future? yes, for me and my family.
  • What are the five most important, specific accomplishments you need to make, within the next 12 weeks for you to be pleased with the progress of your body and life? Lose the double chin I'm getting, Lose 20 lbs of fat, Wear size 16 pants, People to notice, Walk to Tim Horton's without getting out of breath.

Within 12 weeks I will lose 20lbs of fat.

Within 12 weeks I will be wearing size 16 jeans.

Within 12 weeks I will walk to Tim Horton's and not be out of breath.

Within 12 weeks I won't have to distort my face to make it look good in pictures.

Within 12 weeks I will be more confident about myself!

Body for Life

Body for Life is the program I am using to lose weight. In 12 weeks it will change the way I look, the way I feel, and the way I think. I am reading the book by Bill Phillips. It has me writing out goals and giving me the strength that I need to lose weight.

I will exercise 6 days a week. 20 minutes on my bike every other day and then rotate upper and lower body stengthing with weights. Right now I don't have weights so I am using soup cans.

The cravings have already stopped. This is day 2. We had cheese for snack today and I didnt even want it. Cheese and peanut butter are 2 of my biggest cravings. I will poste my goals in a seperate post.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 1

Today is the first day of the rest of my life!

Today I woke up and rode my exercise bike for 15 minutes (6.62km) Yay go me! I had 2 pancakes with low sugar jam instead of syrup. When I got to work I had a tea instead of coffee. I drank a bottle of water after my work out and a bottle of water when I got to work. I had an orange for mid morning snack. Lunch I had a taco salad and half a wrap. It wasn't as low fat as I would have liked it to be but I had no other food so I ate what I could get. I would say it was about 16 grams of fat for the wrap and the salad. So then for snack I had a tuna salad sandwhich with tamato - 4 grams of fat. Paul bought me some lean cuisines so I had one for supper which was 6 grams of fat and a banana. I had more tea and more water as well. Oh and I slipped a little and had a cheese string but it was only 4 grams of fat. So that is it for today! I think I did pretty well.

I have already made my lunch for tomorrow. I made some whole wheat noodles with spaghetti sauce and chicken.

I have taken before pictures but I dont want to post them until I start to show some change because it is embarassing what I look like right now!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Last weekend

This is the last weekend to eat. On Monday, January 14, 2010 I will begin my weight loss journey. I will begin eating more. I usually don't eat anything until lunch at 11:45 when I am starving then I pig out and can't seem to get full. I will begin to have 2-3 small snacks in the morning before lunch then 2 more small snacks between lunch and supper. I am going to consume 30 grams of fat a day. I am going to keep a journal of what I eat each day and how much fat is in it. I am going to stop drinking so much coffee. Right now I drink an XL triple triple a day. That has 21 grams of fat! I am going to only have coffee on Fridays. The rest of the week I will drink something that has milk instead of cream. I will begin exercising at least 3 times a week 15 mins a day.

Can I do this? Of course I can!

Will I do this! Yes!

Do I need support? TONS!